Wednesday, 31 October 2012

The Story of the Diamond Ring

Hello Darlings,

Mummy's recent silence on this blog has been because she has been working hard to capture her memories of the whole story of the ring the Professor gave her many years ago... the same divisive ring that Sherlock foolishly used to propose to Irene (in all fairness he was not aware of its history!).

The roleplays (RP) are now here on this blog to their current (albeit unfinished) point, dears, and reflect the story today. Read them in the order they are presented, darlings:

1. Reminiscing (the Professor returns to reminisce and warn)
2. Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses (Mummy discovers Sherlock's use of the ring)
3. Ring around the Heart -Part 1 (Irene learns the ring's provenance)
4. Ring around the Heart - Part 2 (Mummy is confronted with her ring)

In the next week I will post the story of when the Professor first gave Mummy the ring... stay tuned, dears...

Saturday, 6 October 2012

London Calling


Mummy has realised that she has fallen in love with - of all things - London's red telephone boxes. They are so iconic, and they are everywhere! I am amazed that they are still in existence, as in Australia more and more public phones are being removed, especially now so many people carry a phone in their pockets! And in truth I didn't see any of the ones I photographed being used today, so I hope they keep them around into the future...

They pop up everywhere, usually when you're not expecting it. So many are tucked around many corners, like this one below that is near St-Giles-in-the-field Church. It looks like it snuck around the corner and is lying in wait for an unsuspecting passer-by!

Talking about an ambush, dears, I particularly like the way they gang up on you. Yes there are single ones, standing proudly alone. Boldly being a garish red amongst all the neutral colours of the buildings and roads of London. But there are also pairs of them, quite frequently, like these two at Covent Garden markets. They have a way of looking like they have achieved a form of solidarity in their red comradeship.

So imagine my unbridled joy when I found this entire family - five in a row - outside the Bow Street Magistrates Court. The court is now disused and the building looks abandoned. But I like to imagine all the court reporters rushing outside and into these phone boxes with the latest news about who's been sent down and who got off scott free! *chuckles* Of course being opposite the Royal Opera and Ballet School means it is also possible that youngsters snuck across the road and called home to lie that all was well to Mum and Dad while they chased their dreams, lost in the big city!

But then, at the end of today, I came across this last phone box on my walk around town. It is located on Charring Cross Rd, near Cambridge Circus. I was rather surprised at seeing it and had to look twice to be sure I hadn't gone colour blind! For quite clearly, darlings, this telephone box has gone over to the dark side!